​​​Winter Hours:

Sat, Sun:

10:00am - 12:00noon

- Or-

By appointment, voicemail at: 



The Tool Library is located on on the site of the Event Rental Works / U-haul facility on Hwy 99, directly behind (to the South of) the Pemberton Information Centre.

Pemberton Valley Men's Shed

“PVMS is a fellowship of men from the Pemberton Valley Senior’s Society who have come together to create both a social space and take on initiatives that can be shared with the Society and the people of Pemberton.

With the express goal to enjoying ourselves in the process!”​​​

The tool lending library, is operated by the PVMSS group, but is open to all who sign-up as members, 
​ to serve the Pemberton area and Whistler.

Hand and small power tools for home use.


The Pemberton Tool Library is a tool lending library that is member supported and sustained.  The Library will have an inventory of tools ranging from pliers and screwdrivers to portable table saws and electric drills.  Members will be allowed to check these tools out in exactly the same manner as one checks out a book at the library.

The vast majority of our tools are donated and we keep them in good working order and, from time to time, with the support of the community and various foundations, we will purchase key tools that are in demand, the replacement cost of the tool inventory is now over $25,000.

The Library is primarily operated by volunteers from the Men's Shed under the direction of a part time manager.  It is open to all, the annual membership fees are currently set at $40 for the general public and $20 for members of either the Pemberton Valley Men's Shed Society (PVMSS) or the Pemberton Valley Senior's Society (PVSS).  As we grow we will develop a model that will be based on a one time modest membership fee and an annual  user fee that will also be very modest.  (All fees and overdue fines will be developed and reviewed from time to time and published on this site.)

If you are over 50 and wish to join, the simplest thing is to join either PVMSS and/or PVSS, you can get information and registration forms from either the PVMSS or PVSS contact pages. Otherwise, you can sign up at the location above, this application can be expedited if you print the waiver and sign-up form on our contact page prior to visiting us.

Copyright © Pemberton Tool Library. All Rights Reserved.